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Sextantio Il Palazzo della Civita, with 5 elegant large rooms, restored in conservative way, old-wood furniture and panoramic view facing the Murgia Park, in an eighteen-century nobiliary palace. The Palace is just next to the “vicinato” (old neighborhood) in which the reception, the breakfast room and the common areas of both properties are located.
We opened the “Palazzo della Civita” on July 1st, 2023. The assimilable goal of the “Palace” and the “Caves” of the Civita (the oldest part of the Sassi district) is to try to prevent tourist re-destination from corrupting the historical integrity sedimented in millenary places like the caves of the Sassi of Matera. Here the cave dwellings are irreversibly losing their historical identity also due to the serialized diffusion of the tourist product.
This second project in Matera is characterized by a Seventeenth-Century palace that merges in successive stratifications with the rock architecture. We have reduced from 12 to 6 the rooms intended for hospitality.
An excavation process is underway in which the rupestrian caves are intentionally left without a new destination.
It consists of a deconsecrated rupestrian church and of a huge cellar going into the belly of Matera.
The caves excavated in the outer perimeter of the Palace, will house a workshop of local domestic crafts.
A UNESCO World Heritage site since 1993, the Sassi represent a unique hamlet throughout Italy: the earliest inhabitants date back to the stone and bronze age, in the middle ages it boasted several monastic communities and later became a vibrant farming centre, owing to the rich harvests from the surrounding hills and plains.
Telefono: +39 0835 332744
Mail: matera@sextantio.it
Mob./WhatsApp: +39 347 5216592
Sextantio Le Grotte della Civita:
Via Civita 28 (Sasso Barisano) 75100 Matera
GPS: 40.6676647, 16.6120352
Sede Legale: Via Civita 28 – 75100 Matera
P.Iva e CF 01076990777
Codice fiscale e numero di iscrizione: 01076990777
del Registro delle Imprese di MATERA
Iscritta nella Sezione ORDINARIA il 23/01/2003
Capitale sociale in EURO: 12.500,00
Versato: 12.500,00